
Stacy is a master esthetician with over a decade of experience in the beauty industry.

She has spent the majority of her time in salons and spas honing her skills in full body waxing, specializing in Brazilian waxing and eyebrow waxing.  She’ll get you through your service as quickly as possible with a knack for making you feel super comfortable. Educating the client about their service, its maintenance and aftercare is of the utmost importance and any questions or concerns you may have will be addressed. Call WAXWITCH and end the curse of bad waxing!


WAXWITCH uses the most gentle and effective hard wax on the market for intimate waxing. For larger, less sensitive areas of the body, WAXWITCH uses premium, single use soft wax rollers. For brows and other small areas, a warm liposoluble soft wax is favored. WAXWITCH has cherry-picked the best waxes, products and equipment from multiple manufacturers located in the US, Australia, Spain and France. The integrity of the wax used is NEVER compromised by double dipping or cross contamination of any kind. Non-latex gloves are worn throughout your service.